Armageddon Nervous!

Our friends Rick and Helen of The Strolling Scones helped a friend with his music video. Thought you might enjoy it, particularly the fun lyrics! Here it is …. ARMAGEDDON NERVOUS: The Apocalypso Song

Sh*t or Get off the Pot!

You know that wise saying, “Sh*t or get off the pot”? Well, after months of preparation, Mike and I are proud to announce ……… WE ARE FINALLY SH*TTING! That’s right. We are kicking off our 2013 tour of Jesus Loves … Read More

Welcome to my blog!

I always wanted to say “Welcome to my blog.”  It’s so generic, you know? And I want to immediately assure you there will be nothing generic about the THEAlogy Blog! Look for fun posts in exciting categories such as: Religion … Read More